The following names are the U.S. Representatives who signed on as Co-Sponsors to Ron Paul’s “Audit the Fed” bill, then stabbed him in the back and voted “NO” when it came to a vote. They are all Democrats.
Adler (NJ) Altmire Arcuri Baird Baldwin Barrow Berkley Berry Bishop (GA) Bishop (NY) Boccieri Boren Boswell Boyd Braley (IA) Bright Brown, Corrine Chandler Chu Clay Cohen Conyers Courtney Cuellar Dahlkemper Davis (IL) Davis (TN) DeFazio Delahunt |
Doggett Doyle Driehaus Edwards (MD) Farr Filner Fudge Gordon (TN) Grijalva Halvorson Hare Harman Heinrich Herseth Sandlin Higgins Hill Hinchey Hinojosa Hirono Holden Inslee Jackson (IL) Johnson (GA) Johnson, E. B. Kagen Kaptur Kildee Kilpatrick (MI) Kissell Kosmas |
Kucinich Langevin Lewis (GA) Loebsack Lofgren, Zoe Luján Maffei McDermott McGovern Melancon Michaud Miller (NC) Murphy (CT) Murphy (NY) Murphy, Patrick Nadler (NY) Oberstar Ortiz Pascrell Pastor (AZ) Payne Perlmutter Peterson Pingree (ME) Polis (CO) Quigley Reyes Richardson Rodriguez |
Rothman (NJ) Ruppersberger Ryan (OH) Salazar Sarbanes Schakowsky Schauer Schiff Schrader Scott (GA) Shea-Porter Sherman Shuler Slaughter Smith (WA) Snyder Speier Spratt Stark Sutton Thompson (MS) Tierney Tonko Visclosky Walz Weiner Welch Wu Yarmuth |
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