• Free Markets Create Jobs

    [phpzonsidebar title=”At Amazon Now!” keywords=”ron paul” num=”5″ country=”US” searchindex=”Books” trackingid=”commlines-20″ sort=”relevancerank” id=”3″]In this struggling economy it is essential for politicians to take a step back and think about what government has been doing to business in this country.  In less than 200 years, the free market, property rights, and respect for the rule of law…

  • Ron Paul & Alan Grayson on Federal Reserve

    Today, May 4th, 2010, the US Senate may be voting on the Wall Street Reform Bill (S. 3217). Here is a video of the Dylan Ratigan show on MSMBC, where he interviews Ron Paul and Alan Grayson on the problems with this bill and the amendments that must be included. This bill (now called the…

  • My Plan for a Freedom President

    … or what a Ron Paul Presidency would be like.

  • Dropping the Bomb on Health Care

    As business owners undercarego the yearly ritual of passing through eye-popping health insurance premium increases to their employees, it’s easy to understand why any attempt at health insurance reform would be met with some degree of hope. Unfortunately, President Obama and his Democratic allies in Congress are about to take a very bad system and…

  • Job Losses Demystified

    As the unemployment rate crossed the double digit barrier for the first time since Michael Jackson learned to moonwalk, President Obama announced that he will convene a “jobs summit” to finally bring the problem under control. Using all the analytic skill that his administration can muster, the President is determined to figure out why so…

  • Dollar Forced to Abdicate

    For the most part, the value of the dollar is given cursory attention by the financial media. Typically, its movements are assigned an importance on par with much less determinative metrics such as natural gas futures and construction permits. It’s only when major milestones are reached that anyone really takes notice of the dollar. We…

  • The Recovery That Isn’t

    For those market boosters who are prattling on about the possibility of a “jobless recovery,” I offer an invitation to join me for a breakfast of “fat-free bacon,” “eggless omelets,” and “no-carb bread.” As unappetizing as such a meal may sound, it would nevertheless offer more substance than the oxymoronic concept of an economic resurgence…

  • The Financial Crisis – Part 4: The Goldman Connection

    There will be a war. I’m certain of it. No, not with Iran, though I’d like to introduce Mahmoud I-refuse-to-wear-a-necktie-under-any-circumstances Ahmadinejad to a woman I met several years ago. She and her twin sister had been experimental subjects of Nazi madman Dr. Josef Mengele. Mengele had tried to change the color of their eyes with…

  • The Financial Crisis – Part 3: The Hidden Beginning

    On April 2, 2009, control of the planet’s banks was turned over to the secret decisions of eleven men—board members of a Swiss organization with a troubling Nazi past. Banking wasn’t always that way. . . . My secretary would come into my office every morning at 9:00 a.m. with a room-service smile and an…