Ron Paul Farewell Speech
Ron Paul’s Farewell Speech to Congress: This may well be the last time I speak on the House Floor. At the end of the year I’ll leave Congress after 23 years in office over a 36 year period. My goals in 1976 were the same as they are today: promote peace and prosperity by a…
Sticky: The United States Assassinates A Teenager
Hey Readers! Back on September 30th, 2011 I was outraged when I found out that President Obama ordered the assassination of alleged terrorist Anwar Awlaki. This was a United States citizen that was targeted by a drone and killed without due process of law. He had not been convicted of any crime nor had it…
Ron Paul to Congress: Freeze the Budget and Stop Plundering the American People!
One might think that the recent drama over the debt ceiling involved one side wanting to increase or maintain spending with the other side wanting to drastically cut spending, but that is far from the truth. In spite of the rhetoric being thrown around, the real debate is over how much government spending will increase.…
No to War with Libya!
By David McKalip, M.D. These remarks were delivered to the Save America Foundation Convention in Tampa, Florida, on Saturday, March 19, 2011. “Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence, (I conjure you to believe me fellow citizens,), the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake; since history and experience prove that foreign…
Lying is Not Patriotic
Congressman Dr. Ron Paul delivers another impassioned and intelligent speech on the House Floor on how the US Government and our puppet mainstream media is trying to get the American public to fear Wikileaks and Julian Assange, while trying to hide the covert doings of our wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen — where…
Neo-Cons using Mosque to Stoke the Fires of War
Dr. Ron Paul puts the Mosque controversy into perspective with his typical viewpoint of logic and rationality. From their inability to differentiate Iran’s nuclear power plant from a weapon (by design, of course) to their rants about Muslims under every rock (forget about the 1st Amendment and freedom of religion or property rights), Neo-Conservatives continue…
Citizen Hat
By John Chambers We wear many hats in life, but often neglected is the Citizen Hat. You remember the old story of Ben Franklin, when he came out of the Constitutional Convention? A Mrs. Powel anxiously asked Franklin: “Well Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” “A republic,” answered Franklin, “if you…
The War That’s Not a War
In January 1991, we went to war in the Middle East against Saddam Hussein, Iraq’s dictator who was our ally during the Iran-Iraq war. A border dispute between Kuwait and Iraq broke out after our State Department gave a green light for Hussein’s invasion. After Iraq’s successful invasion of Kuwait we reacted with gusto and…
Ron Paul & Alan Grayson on Federal Reserve
Today, May 4th, 2010, the US Senate may be voting on the Wall Street Reform Bill (S. 3217). Here is a video of the Dylan Ratigan show on MSMBC, where he interviews Ron Paul and Alan Grayson on the problems with this bill and the amendments that must be included. This bill (now called the…