Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
The Confiscation Con
If you’ve spent enough time in the gold community, you might be under the impression that the most imminent threat to the average American isn’t terrorism or unemployment, but rather gold confiscation. Starting with the fact that FDR confiscated gold during the last Great Depression, and continuing to the quite accurate forecast that we are…
Keep Your Head Above Dollar
There has been so much discussion recently about “QE 2” that you would think the entire financial sector were about to embark on a transatlantic cruise. Unfortunately, they, and we, are not so lucky. In the year 2010, “QE 2” doesn’t refer to a sumptuous ocean liner, but a second, more extravagant round of “quantitative…
Free Markets Create Jobs
[phpzonsidebar title=”At Amazon Now!” keywords=”ron paul” num=”5″ country=”US” searchindex=”Books” trackingid=”commlines-20″ sort=”relevancerank” id=”3″]In this struggling economy it is essential for politicians to take a step back and think about what government has been doing to business in this country. In less than 200 years, the free market, property rights, and respect for the rule of law…
Neo-Cons using Mosque to Stoke the Fires of War
Dr. Ron Paul puts the Mosque controversy into perspective with his typical viewpoint of logic and rationality. From their inability to differentiate Iran’s nuclear power plant from a weapon (by design, of course) to their rants about Muslims under every rock (forget about the 1st Amendment and freedom of religion or property rights), Neo-Conservatives continue…
Citizen Hat
By John Chambers We wear many hats in life, but often neglected is the Citizen Hat. You remember the old story of Ben Franklin, when he came out of the Constitutional Convention? A Mrs. Powel anxiously asked Franklin: “Well Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” “A republic,” answered Franklin, “if you…
Poll: Most Say “Ground Zero Mosque” Is Inappropriate – Political Hotsheet – CBS News
A CBS News Poll asks “Do the developers have a right to build a Mosque near Ground Zero?” America being a free country, the answer of course, is “yes”. However, while 67% of those polled agreed, 29% said “no”! Do these people hate freedom or property rights or are they just plain stupid? Here’s the…
The War That’s Not a War
In January 1991, we went to war in the Middle East against Saddam Hussein, Iraq’s dictator who was our ally during the Iran-Iraq war. A border dispute between Kuwait and Iraq broke out after our State Department gave a green light for Hussein’s invasion. After Iraq’s successful invasion of Kuwait we reacted with gusto and…
Democrats continue to betray America!
The following names are the U.S. Representatives who signed on as Co-Sponsors to Ron Paul’s “Audit the Fed” bill, then stabbed him in the back and voted “NO” when it came to a vote. They are all Democrats. Adler (NJ) Altmire Arcuri Baird Baldwin Barrow Berkley Berry Bishop (GA) Bishop (NY) Boccieri Boren Boswell Boyd…
The Workers vs. The Moochers
The Mainstream Media has been dividing Americans against each other for decades in order to create controversy and chaos. Race vs. race, poor vs. rich, Republicans vs. Democrats, on and on. But one genuine and significant division they don’t mention concerns those who work and produce vs. those who don’t, or those who give and…
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